Oups cela se passe quand on surfe sur un site olé olé
Bien souvent bien sur.
Autrement voici le lien qui t'explique tout. Il est en anglais mais bien détaillé.
pour info:
Installation should proceed and follow the on screen instructions. If all goes OK the system will ask you to reboot. Proceed to step 5. If you get an error “No IPLib DLL was found in the waterfall procedure”, then you will need to stop and un-install the other driver. If you got this error, click OK to close the error message and then click the X on the upper right corner of the driver window. It will ask you if you want to stop and click yes. Go to the driver removal procedure below and when complete repeat these installation steps again starting at step 2
Tu as installé un logiciel pour certains c'est controle sat qui a cette dll dans le mauvais directory. A toi de bien la replacer.