Nous avons déjà eu l'occasion de donner une réponse qui semble fonctionner dans un autre topic

Voici ce que nous avions dit:
Quel est l'imprimante?
le partage de fichiers et d'imprimante est activé?
Bon sinon une solution made in Microsoft:
1. Click Start, click Control Panel and double click Devices and Printers.
2. Click Add a Printer.
3. Select "Add a local printer".
4. Select "Create a new port". Choose "Local Port" as the type of the port.
5. In the box "Enter a port name", type the address as the following format.
\\Network address of the host computer\[The Share Name of the printer
Then click Next.
6. Choose the correct driver in the driver list. If no available driver, click the button Windows Update, wait for the process finishes and then look for the driver again.
7. Finish the installation. ... be-4a8b-bc2f-c684fdf273f2