Salut a tous, pourrai t'on me dire a quoi sert twink64.exe, j'ai du l'éffacé suite a une infection par Voiçi mon adresse Merçi d'avance A+
twink64.exe Troj/Dloader-BW. Attempts to download and execute EXE files from remote websites to the Windows system folder as intron.exe, ir.exe, lpt.exe and usb.exe. Copies itself to the Windows system folder as twink64.exe and creates the following registry entry to run itself on system logon: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ControlPanel = \twink64.exe internat.dll,LoadKeyboardProfile
Use RegRun Startup Optimizer to automatically remove it from startup.
Quand tu montres la lune du doigt, l'imbécile regarde le doigt.