Emule se fait une peau neuve avec la 0.28b
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Rubrique Logiciels & Applications
La toute dernière version de Emule est dispo en téléchargement sur le site officiel. Il faut quand même préciser qu'il s'agit ici d'une version bêta mais elle corrige pas mal de bugs, et pas mal est bien loin de la vérité. La liste des corrections...

que nous nous sommes contenté de reprendre (ils sont en anglais n'en déplaise) est assez longue pour penser que cette nouvelle version devrait être relativement stable. Pour rappel mais cela tout le monde le sait
ce type de logiciel est fait pour s'échanger des fichiers personnels qui il faut bien le dire est devenu le sport national et internationnal de nombreux internautes.
Donc voici la liste suivante:
Ornis: Categories: extented choice of the function of the old "all" tab, switchable to Video,Audio,Transferring,Erroneous ,...
Ornis: Upload-, Queue- and Knownclientlists are titled with the number of the listed clients
Ornis: different trayicon when serverconnection with a lowID (emule with blindfold, from emule+)
Ornis: Webinterface: category support
Ornis: Webinterface: displays completed transfers
bluecow: Fixed mem leak when downloading server.met via HTTP [UVman]
bluecow: Fixed another bug where an unwanted client could become a friend.
bluecow: Fixed minor glitch with icons in tab controls on server and message window.
bluecow: Added standard shortcuts to log and debug listview controls (Copy=Ctrl+C, Select All=Ctrl+A)
Ornis: Websearch Filedonkey.com now supports filter by filesize-limits
bluecow: Rewrote entire packet processing code to use exception handling and proper memory cleanup.
bluecow: Rewrote most of the meta tag processing code to support new meta tags.
bluecow: Fixed downloading of stopped or paused files.
bluecow: Added passive source finding for files in download queue which were just started and not already in shared file list.
bluecow: Fixed minor mem leaks and improper usage of delete operator [NoamSon]
Ornis: Webinterface blocks IPs after 5 failed login attempts for 15 minutes
Ornis: Filenamecleaning: customizable substringfilter (.ini : FilenameCleanups= )
Ornis: option to auto-clean filenames on downloadstarts
Ornis: If the connected server has a filelimit, announce not more files than accepted
bluecow: Fixed bug with empty shared directories and OP_ASKSHAREDFILESDIR.
bluecow: First Run Time wizard finally gets a "Finish" button.
Ornis: Links in Chat (hypertextctrl) dont break on special chars anymore
Ornis: better URL decoding (e.g. for special chars in ed2k links)
bluecow: Fixed bug with OP_ASKSHAREDIRS where a client could ask for shared directories while there is a currently a shared files list received. Note: The viewing of shared directories of remote eMules was reset to 0.28+ because of a bug in 0.27.
bluecow: Fixed major memory leak with compressed packets (thx Blackstar2)
bluecow: Fixed bug with new meta tags of type "float" which were sent by servers which are offering shared files from Hybrid's 0.48+
Ornis: Scheduler Fixes
Ornis: Schedules can be activated directly via hotmenu (Ctrl-X) , (de)activating of the scheduler as well
Ornis: identical shared folders are not sent multiple times anymore (under circumstances)
Ornis: added: accurate speed measurement also on busy CPU [based on Ottavio84+Badwolf]
Ornis: small GUI-fixes
bluecow: Fixed resizing bug in log list controls
bluecow: Fixed potential winsock termination bug
Sony: added option in extened prefs to disable source exchange messages in verbose log
Ornis: added scheduler controls to hotmenu
Ornis: cleared control of expand/collapse by key
Ornis: Scheduler: fixed saving settings
Ornis: fixed resumesame-cat & dontRecreateStatGraph - settings
Ornis: fixed changing category-title when downloadinfos on tabs is activated
bluecow:Fixed bug in preferences/directory control which was deleting the system's icon image list.
bluecow:Fixed bug with non existing shared directories which could not be unshared in preferences/directories.
bluecow:Double click in shared files list opens file with associated application.
bluecow:When opening a file from download list or shared files list, the open command used is the same as when double clicking in Windows Explorer.
bluecow:Fixed bug with log messages not shown at startup.
bluecow:Added filetype icons to search- and shared files listviews.
bluecow:Fixed bug with wrong nr. of search results shown in search tabcontrol when viewing files of different directories from remote client.
pour les non anglophones je vous conseille un traducteur type google pour l'avoir en français en faisant un copier coller de l'url du site officiel:
Autrement voici les liens pour la toute dernière version à ce jour:
le lien Ed2k (avec emule)
Le téléchargement plus traditionnel.

Donc voici la liste suivante:
Ornis: Categories: extented choice of the function of the old "all" tab, switchable to Video,Audio,Transferring,Erroneous ,...
Ornis: Upload-, Queue- and Knownclientlists are titled with the number of the listed clients
Ornis: different trayicon when serverconnection with a lowID (emule with blindfold, from emule+)
Ornis: Webinterface: category support
Ornis: Webinterface: displays completed transfers
bluecow: Fixed mem leak when downloading server.met via HTTP [UVman]
bluecow: Fixed another bug where an unwanted client could become a friend.
bluecow: Fixed minor glitch with icons in tab controls on server and message window.
bluecow: Added standard shortcuts to log and debug listview controls (Copy=Ctrl+C, Select All=Ctrl+A)
Ornis: Websearch Filedonkey.com now supports filter by filesize-limits
bluecow: Rewrote entire packet processing code to use exception handling and proper memory cleanup.
bluecow: Rewrote most of the meta tag processing code to support new meta tags.
bluecow: Fixed downloading of stopped or paused files.
bluecow: Added passive source finding for files in download queue which were just started and not already in shared file list.
bluecow: Fixed minor mem leaks and improper usage of delete operator [NoamSon]
Ornis: Webinterface blocks IPs after 5 failed login attempts for 15 minutes
Ornis: Filenamecleaning: customizable substringfilter (.ini : FilenameCleanups= )
Ornis: option to auto-clean filenames on downloadstarts
Ornis: If the connected server has a filelimit, announce not more files than accepted
bluecow: Fixed bug with empty shared directories and OP_ASKSHAREDFILESDIR.
bluecow: First Run Time wizard finally gets a "Finish" button.
Ornis: Links in Chat (hypertextctrl) dont break on special chars anymore
Ornis: better URL decoding (e.g. for special chars in ed2k links)
bluecow: Fixed bug with OP_ASKSHAREDIRS where a client could ask for shared directories while there is a currently a shared files list received. Note: The viewing of shared directories of remote eMules was reset to 0.28+ because of a bug in 0.27.
bluecow: Fixed major memory leak with compressed packets (thx Blackstar2)
bluecow: Fixed bug with new meta tags of type "float" which were sent by servers which are offering shared files from Hybrid's 0.48+
Ornis: Scheduler Fixes
Ornis: Schedules can be activated directly via hotmenu (Ctrl-X) , (de)activating of the scheduler as well
Ornis: identical shared folders are not sent multiple times anymore (under circumstances)
Ornis: added: accurate speed measurement also on busy CPU [based on Ottavio84+Badwolf]
Ornis: small GUI-fixes
bluecow: Fixed resizing bug in log list controls
bluecow: Fixed potential winsock termination bug
Sony: added option in extened prefs to disable source exchange messages in verbose log
Ornis: added scheduler controls to hotmenu
Ornis: cleared control of expand/collapse by key
Ornis: Scheduler: fixed saving settings
Ornis: fixed resumesame-cat & dontRecreateStatGraph - settings
Ornis: fixed changing category-title when downloadinfos on tabs is activated
bluecow:Fixed bug in preferences/directory control which was deleting the system's icon image list.
bluecow:Fixed bug with non existing shared directories which could not be unshared in preferences/directories.
bluecow:Double click in shared files list opens file with associated application.
bluecow:When opening a file from download list or shared files list, the open command used is the same as when double clicking in Windows Explorer.
bluecow:Fixed bug with log messages not shown at startup.
bluecow:Added filetype icons to search- and shared files listviews.
bluecow:Fixed bug with wrong nr. of search results shown in search tabcontrol when viewing files of different directories from remote client.
pour les non anglophones je vous conseille un traducteur type google pour l'avoir en français en faisant un copier coller de l'url du site officiel:
Autrement voici les liens pour la toute dernière version à ce jour:
le lien Ed2k (avec emule)
Le téléchargement plus traditionnel.